Multisig Script

class blocksci.MultisigScript

Extra data about multi-signature address


The list of the keys that can sign for this address

balance(self: blocksci.blocksci_interface.Script, height: int=0) → int

Calculates the balance held by this script at the height (Defaults to the full chain)


Get the first transaction that was sent to this address

in_txes(self: blocksci.blocksci_interface.Script) → List[blocksci::Transaction]

Returns a list of all transaction where this script was an input

ins(self: blocksci.blocksci_interface.Script) → List[blocksci::Input]

Returns a list of all inputs spent from this script

out_txes(self: blocksci.blocksci_interface.Script) → List[blocksci::Transaction]

Returns a list of all transaction where this script was an output

outs(self: blocksci.blocksci_interface.Script) → List[blocksci::Output]

Returns a list of all outputs sent to this script


The number of signatures required for this address


The transaction where this wrapped script was first revealed


Returns the script data associated with this script


The total number of keys that can sign for this address

txes(self: blocksci.blocksci_interface.Script) → List[blocksci::Transaction]

Returns a list of all transactions involving this script