
class blocksci.Address

Represents an abstract address object which uniquely identifies a given address

__init__(self: blocksci.blocksci_interface.Address, arg0: int, arg1: blocksci::AddressType::Enum) → None

Can be constructed directly py passing it an address index and address type

address_count() → int

Get the total number of address of a given type

addresses_with_prefix(arg0: str) → List[blocksci.blocksci_interface.Address]

Find all addresses that begin with the given prefix


Get the first transaction that was sent to this address

from_string(arg0: str) → Optional[blocksci.blocksci_interface.Address]

Construct an address object from an address string

from_strings(arg0: List[str]) → List[blocksci.blocksci_interface.Address]

Return a list of addresses that match the given address strings

in_txes(self: blocksci.blocksci_interface.Address) → List[blocksci::Transaction]

Returns a list of all transaction where this address was an input

ins(self: blocksci.blocksci_interface.Address) → List[blocksci::Input]

Returns a list of all inputs spent from this address

out_txes(self: blocksci.blocksci_interface.Address) → List[blocksci::Transaction]

Returns a list of all transaction where this address was an output

outs(self: blocksci.blocksci_interface.Address) → List[blocksci::Output]

Returns a list of all outputs sent to this address


Returns the script associated with this address

txes(self: blocksci.blocksci_interface.Address) → List[blocksci::Transaction]

Returns a list of all transactions involving this address
