Addresses ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Addresses in BlockSci represent a unique identifier for a particular target of a transaction output. All outputs with the same address use the exact same output script. BlockSci supports 7 styles of addreses that originate in the Bitcoin blockchain and which are also used in other blockchains that use Bitcoin's scripting language. An eight address type, nonstandard, operates as a catch-all for addresses that do not fit any other category. Address ==================================== .. autoclass:: blocksci.Address :members: Pay to pubkey Address ==================================== .. autoclass:: blocksci.PubkeyAddress :members: :show-inheritance: Pay to pubkey hash Address ==================================== .. autoclass:: blocksci.PubkeyHashAddress :members: :show-inheritance: Pay to witness pubkey hash Address ==================================== .. autoclass:: blocksci.WitnessPubkeyHashAddress :members: :show-inheritance: Multisignature Address ==================================== .. autoclass:: blocksci.MultisigAddress :members: :show-inheritance: Pay to script hash Address ==================================== .. autoclass:: blocksci.ScriptHashAddress :members: :show-inheritance: Pay to witness script hash Address ==================================== .. autoclass:: blocksci.WitnessScriptHashAddress :members: :show-inheritance: Non-standard Address ==================================== .. autoclass:: blocksci.NonStandardAddress :members: :show-inheritance: Op Return ==================================== .. autoclass:: blocksci.OpReturn :members: :show-inheritance: