Source code for blocksci.currency

import datetime
import requests
import pandas as pd

    from IPython.core.display import display
    def _print_coindesk_info():
        display('Exchange rates are provided by CoinDesk (')
except ImportError:
    def _print_coindesk_info():
        print('Exchange rates are provided by CoinDesk (')

[docs]class CurrencyConverter(object): """ Imports Bitcoin exchange rates in a variety of currencies using the Coindesk API available at """ min_start = pd.to_datetime('2009-01-03').date() max_end = - datetime.timedelta(days=1) # the API has data starting at 2010-07-19 COINDESK_START = pd.to_datetime('2010-07-19').date() def __init__(self, currency='USD', start=min_start, end=max_end): _print_coindesk_info() self.currency = currency self.start = self.validate_date(start) self.end = self.validate_date(end) if self.start > self.end: raise ValueError("End date cannot be ahead of start date.") self.supported_currencies = self._get_supported_currencies() if currency not in self.supported_currencies: raise ValueError("Currency {} is not supported. Please use one of the following options: {}.".format(currency, self.supported_currencies)) = self._get_data() def _get_supported_currencies(self): r = requests.get('') r.raise_for_status() return [x['currency'] for x in r.json()] def _get_data(self): base_url = '' r = requests.get('{}?index=USD&currency={}&start={}&end={}'.format(base_url, self.currency, max(self.COINDESK_START, self.start), max(self.COINDESK_START, self.end))) r.raise_for_status() return r.json()['bpi'] def validate_date(self, date): newdate = pd.to_datetime(date).date() if newdate < self.min_start or newdate > self.max_end: raise ValueError("Date must be between {} and {}.".format(self.min_start, self.max_end)) return newdate
[docs] def exchangerate(self, date): if date < self.COINDESK_START: return 0 return[str(date)]
[docs] def btc_to_currency(self, value, date): date = self.validate_date(date) return value * self.exchangerate(date)
def _btc_to_currency(self, value, date): return value * self.exchangerate(date)
[docs] def bitcoin_to_currency(self, value, date): return self.btc_to_currency(value, date)
def _satoshi_to_currency(self, value, date): return self._btc_to_currency(value / 1e8, date)
[docs] def satoshi_to_currency(self, value, date): return self.btc_to_currency(value / 1e8, date)
[docs] def satoshi_to_currency_df(self, df, chain, columns=None): if columns is None: columns = df.columns def convert_row(row): date = row["index"] if hasattr(date, 'date'): date = rate = self.exchangerate(date) / 1e8 for column in columns: if column in row: row[column] = rate * row[column] return row df["index"] = df.index index_type = str(df["index"].dtype) if index_type == "int64": df["index"] = pd.Series(df["index"]).apply(lambda x: chain[x] df = df.apply(convert_row, axis=1) del df["index"] return df
[docs] def currency_to_btc(self, value, date): date = self.validate_date(date) if date < self.COINDESK_START: return None return value / self.exchangerate(date)
[docs] def currency_to_bitcoin(self, value, date): return self.currency_to_btc(value, date)
[docs] def currency_to_satoshi(self, value, date): return self.currency_to_btc(value, date) * 1e8